In graduate school, initially inspired by the challenge of atmospheric carbon dioxide removal, we saw that climate change presented a series of technological challenges that we could actually work on. Encouraged by the hyperproductivity of the medical biotech community, we were determined to apply the tools of synthetic biology and genomics to emerging problems in climate. We formed an oddball ‘climate change subgroup’ in the neurotechnology lab where we did our PhDs. However, we lacked the collaborators and community knowledge of problems and paths to impact that we had enjoyed in medical biotech. That made it hard to identify the right projects and get started. As we traversed our personal paths and met others along the way, we learned that those problems are faced systemically in climate biotech.
We started Homeworld Collective in 2023 to serve the needs of our community by developing the social, intellectual, and funding infrastructure needed for the young field of climate biotech to become as hyperproductive as the exemplar fields of medical biotech and machine learning.